Free Len Homeniuk
Len Homeniuk is safe at home
Thank you for everything you’ve done to assist him!
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2015-10-19 Santa Barbara Independent
S.B. Man Jailed in Bulgaria Allowed to Return Home; Judge Rules Corruption Charges Against Len Homeniuk Were Unfounded
2015-10-15 Financial Post
Former Centerra Gold CEO returning home next week after arrest in Bulgaria
2015-10-07 The Canadian Press
Former Canadian mining CEO freed in Bulgaria; court rejects extradition request
2015-10-07 Financial Post
Former Centerra Gold CEO avoids extradition to Kyrgyzstan as Bulgarian court rejects request
2015-10-07 The Globe and Mail
Ex-Centerra CEO avoids extradition
2015-10-07 The Sofia Globe
Bulgarian court refuses extradition of Canadian-American businessman Homeniuk to Kyrgyzstan
2015-09-30 Novinite
“I would hate to see someone else in my situation,” Len Homeniuk tells Globe and Mail
2015-09-25 The Globe and Mail
Interpol faces scrutiny over its global arrest alerts
2015-09-23 Novinite
Len Homeniuk’s Detention in Bulgaria Brings into Focus International Policy Issues
Ex-Centerra Gold CEO arrested in Bulgaria granted bail
2015-09-16 The Canadian Press
Ex-Centerra CEO gets bail after extradition hearing delayed again
2015-09-16 The Globe and Mail
Ex-Centerra CEO wins bail in Bulgaria
2015-09-16 Novinite
Bulgarian Court Grants Bail to Former Centerra CEO Homeniuk
2015-09-15 The Canadian Press
Former mining CEO's Bulgaria extradition hearing to face Kyrgyz corruption charges delayed
Ex-Centerra Gold CEO remains arrested in Bulgaria as extradition hearing postponed
2015-09-15 Novinite
Bulgarian Court Postpones Again Len Homeniuk Extradition Hearing
2015-09-14 The Globe and Mail
Ex-Centerra CEO remains in Bulgarian limbo as extradition hearing delayed
2015-09-09 Novinite
Marina Stephens: Homeniuk’s Extradition Will Be ‘Incredible Political Coup’ for Kyrgyzstan
2015-09-06 The Sofia Globe
Controversy over Kyrgyzstan bid to extradite US/Canadian businessman from Bulgaria
2015-09-04 Financial Post
Former Centerra CEO living stressful existence in Bulgaria as he awaits extradition decision
2015-09-03 Novinite
Bulgarian Court Leaves Len Homeniuk Under House Arrest, Extradition Hearing Set for Sept 16
2015-09-02 The Wall Street Journal
Retired CEO Held in Bulgaria, Faces Extradition to Kyrgyzstan
Alternative Version -
2015-08-28 Santa Barbara Independent
Family Fights for Santa Barbara Man Locked Up Abroad
2015-08-27 The Canadian Press
Ex-CEO of Toronto gold mine company says detention part of effort to intimidate
2015-08-27 The Globe and Mail
Former Centerra CEO back under house arrest in Bulgaria
2015-08-27 The Globe and Mail
Family of ex-Centerra CEO facing deportation searches for answers
2015-08-27 Financial Post
Former Centerra Gold CEO under house arrest in Bulgaria again, extradition hearing postponed
2015-08-26 The Canadian Press
Former CEO of Toronto-based Centerra Gold arrested in Bulgaria
2015-08-26 The Globe and Mail
Former Centerra CEO faces extradition hearing in Bulgaria
2015-08-25 Financial Post
Family of former Centerra Gold CEO fears he will be ‘kidnapped’ to Kyrgyzstan
2015-08-18 Financial Post
Former Centerra CEO ‘shocked’ by lack of Canadian action after controversial arrest in Bulgaria
2015-08-05 The Canadian Press
Allegations that led to former Centerra Gold CEO’s arrest without merit: company
2015-08-05 The Canadian Press
Arrest of former Centerra Gold CEO’s without merit: company
2015-08-04 Financial Post
Centerra Gold Inc at a loss over former CEO Len Homeniuk’s detainment in Bulgaria
2015-08-04 The Globe and Mail
Centerra continues talks with Kyrgyzstan despite arrest of former CEO
2015-08-03 The Globe and Mail
Bulgarian authorities detain former Centerra Gold CEO
2015-08-03 Centerra Gold Inc.
News Release — Centerra Gold Issues Statement Regarding Len Homeniuk
СЛУЧАЯТ “ЛЕН ХОМЕНЮК” и (не)възможната екстрадиция в Киргизстан
2015-09-29 БНР
Лен Хоменюк: Става дума за една бизнес сделка – съвсем открито и прозрачно направена
2015-09-16 Информационна агенция Дартс Нюз /
Българският съд пусна Лен Хоменюк под гаранция
Марина Стивенс: Арест Лена Хоменюка негативно влияет на бизнес-среду в Кыргызстане
2015-09-11 БНТ.bg
Ще екстрадира ли България Лен Хоменюк?
2015-09-10 “Още нещо” / News7
Още по случая "Лен Хоменюк"
Жената на Лен, Марина Стивън, в интервю за News 7. Разговорът се провежда на английски език, а казаното oт нея се превежда на български.
Marina Stephens, Len’s wife, is interviewed. She speaks in English and is translated simultaneously into Bulgarian, for this Bulgarian program.
2015-09-03 Информационна агенция Дартс Нюз /
Съдът остави Хоменюк под домашен
2015-09-03 Aктуално /
Българският съд се превърна в инструмент по казус с американски гражданин
България се превръща в любим капан за жертви на евроазиатски диктатори
2015-09-02 Клуб Z /
Как България се оказа част от натиска на Киргизстан срещу канадска компания
2015-08-28 Капитал /
Ефектът на червената бюлетина